Thursday, 28 August 2014 0 komento

Repeated Life

Dear diary,

It is a tiring day..
I was hoping it to be more brighter than yesterday.
Somehow it worst.
Student..Never ending assignment..Never ending test.
I took a midterm test yesterday.
I need to submit 2 assignment tomorrow.
I need holiday so badly.
More than others.
I never experience more than a month holiday for the past 4 years.
I know I shouldn`t be greedy.
But I lost myself day by day.
I went for a career fair and had this personality test.
They said I`m a NURTURER.

'You love listen to other people and have the ability to perceive the feelings of others.You gain great satisfaction from working and interacting with people because you are able to understand them.You easily forgive others and enjoy helping them solve problems.'

Its the description given to me.
I wonder,
Am I too really took care other people.
Then why I dont have time for myself.
Why I am not happy.
Why I feel bad for what journey I have been through.
Maybe I took the wrong course from the beginning.
I wonder when I can stop pretending.
And live my life happily forever and ever like a Cinderella story.
The End.